Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Janurary 20th, 2009

This day is more than once in a lifetime, this day is once in History. We on this Earth and in this country will be forever remembered as the generation that saw the first African American President, beyond there being the first woman or gay or latino President sometime in the future, this is the one that broke the chain and opened the door for all others and that is something that can never be repeated. And it will no doubt be remembered as the day America reclaimed its name, reestablished its purpose, and reignited the torch to pass on to future generations.

Just as I wish with a certain kind of jealousy and envy that I could have been there to see the moon landing or MLK or JFK or FDR or the fall of the Berlin wall, so will my children and grandchildren look to me with awe and jealousy asking me, "What was it like?" And I know even now that there are no words I or anyone else could ever utter that would truly express the grandeur, the pride, the patriotism, the joy, and the overwhelming sense of hope and excitement for the future of this country and the future of our world that I felt this day..